“Art in Schools” visited Autostrada Hangar

We are very happy that today we welcomed 180 students from four different schools of Pristina: "Elena Gjika", "Faik Konica", "Shkëndija" and "Ali Kelmendi" at Autostrada Hangar, as part of the "Art in Schools" program realized by the Ministry of Culture in close cooperation with the Ministry of Education and other institutions, where Autostrada Biennale is one of the partners.

In this visit, the students had the opportunity to get to know more closely the exhibitions of contemporary art and the creativity of various local and international artists. In addition to the exhibition, the students were also introduced to the process of creating the Autostrada Hangar as a cultural space for education, production and exhibition. They were introduced to its artistic production programs and other multifunctional spaces that this institution has.

This visit has not only influenced the rise of the students' artistic knowledge, but has also influenced their awareness of cultural values.

We thank all students and teachers for the participation and interest shown during the visit, we also thank the Ministry of Culture for organizing the activity.

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