Between Land And Sea is a series of transnational encounters in arts and politics that examine and critically reflect the connections between Mediterranean cities and their intertwined histories linked by global migration, environment, urbanism, food, agriculture, climate, and heritage.

On July 7-10, Fondazione Studio Rizoma and its partner institutions Autostrada Biennale (Prizen), Inland (Madrid-Mallorca), Postane (Istanbul), Recyclart (Brussels), Arci Porco Rosso (Palermo), and Aterraterra (Palermo) invited curators, artists, activists and researchers to reflect on their strategies for dealing with uncertainty in their work. The first of a series of gatherings organized by the Allianz Foundation Hubs Network, the three-day program consisted of public interventions and panels on topics such as colonial residues, post-conflict cultures, informal settlements, handmade connections, urban gardens, and tourist economies.

Autostrada Biennale, represented by co-founder Leutrim Fishekqiu, participated in the "Post-conflict cultures" panel, together with Kateryna Filyuk, Ukrainian curator (Palermo) and Sabino Civilleri, theater actor and director, artistic director of Prima Onda and Metamorfosis Festival (Palermo). Leutrim Fishekqiu emphasized the resilience and creativity of people in post-conflict regions who, despite limited resources, work tirelessly to create spaces for new ideas, beauty, art, and culture, overcoming numerous obstacles to foster cultural and civic awareness.

Thank you to @studio_rizoma_, @allianzfan, @postane, @inland_campoadentro, @recyclartoxl and all participants.

Photo by Tito Puglielli & Daniele Cannavò x Fondazione Studio Rizoma

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