Apparatus 22 is a Romanian collective founded in 2011 consisting of Erika Olea, Maria Farcas, and Dragos Olea that takes contemporary nature as its raw material. The three artists model their contents, leaf through the pages, and question the forms trying to define the most variable facets, in a continuous tension towards the desire to unmask the fictitious representations of power and of contemporary man. They take a critical approach but withhold judgment as they employ various artistic expressions in or-der to question the relationships between fashion and economy, religion and social movements, and gender and politics. For Autostrada Biennale 2019, Apparatus 22 proposes a revolution of body, mind and spirit: SUPRAINFINIT. A diffused voice (Hymn I) in the station praises and celebrates a future world, a utopian universe in which our own is reflected; a distorted and altered copy in which hope is oxygen and a cri-tical tool. It is the first of twenty-two hymns designed by the collective. It is a poem, and a disturbed song, a praise to the “Avenir” that projects us into a world of unusual colors, in which the real and un-real are indistinguishable from each other. What shape does the body take in this future? In the piece Arrangements & Haze it is presented as whi-te as a sheet, as a rectangle, and as a poster with words printed. The texts explore the radical body of a time to come, in relation to work, technology, spirituality, and economy. Words that deliver indelible strokes express all the complexity, mysticism and commitment of their creators. By always moving in the SUPRAINFINIT universe, the collective means to equip us to analyze our present. Poster is print 303 copy which visitors can take.
Elena Castiglia