Last weekend, the Cultural Organizations Network in Prizren celebrated its 10th anniversary as an organization that represents and supports cultural organizations and the artistic community of Prizren.
Leutrim Fishekqiu from Autostrada Biennale spoke on behalf of RrOK saying by adding that “we are happy to mark the 10th anniversary of operation, to reflect on our work so far and to show our intentions for the future”.
The Minister of Culture, Hajrulla Çeku and the mayor of Prizren, Shaqir Totaj, were as well part of this important event. In his speech, Minister Çeku said that RrOK is a success story at the country level, which should continue to function as a cultural union in defense of the rich cultural heritage. Prizren Mayor Mr. Totaj assessed the functioning of this Network so far as very important, and pledged to support in all initiatives for the improvement of cultural life in the municipality of Prizren.
In this unforgettable night for all those present, a specific Rock n’ Roll music program prepared and performed by Art Lokaj, Ilir Bajri, Arian Randobrava and Ardian Bakalli.
The members of RrOK Prizren are various organizations that contribute to the cultural life in Prizren through various forms of cultural production. The member organizations of RrOK are: AEK “Katarina Josipi”, Ansambli i Këngëve dhe i Valleve Lidhja e Prizrenit (AKV Lidhja e Prizrenit), Autostrada Biennale, Durmish Aslano, Dogru Yol, DokuFest, EC Ma Ndryshe, Fondacioni Legatum, Fondacioni Lumbardhi, Kosovo Foundation for Cultural Heritage without Borders (CHwB), N’GO, Numizmatika, Old timer Club Prizren, Organizata Joqeveritare THY, Active Creative Youth, Shoqëria Kulturo Artistike Malësori, Prizma Medium dhe X40.
Photographs: Elmedina Arapi and Ardi Shishko