Autostrada Biennale through its non-formal education program has begun organizing debates with students from the “Gjon Buzuku” Gymnasium in Prizren.
The purpose of organizing these debates is to discuss and reflect on the artworks of artists within the concept of "Revolution Is Us" curated by Giacinto Di Pietrantonio.
These debates are being held in the exhibition venues of the second edition of the Autostrada Biennale as: Bus Station, Archaeological Museum, Gymnasium "Gjon Buzuku", Ex-Prison, Castle and the creative space "Revolution Is Us".
When young people speak and hear different points of view, they increase their critical and analytical skills.
This kind of debates makes the youth learn more about their potential. There are many controversial topics in our society and everybody has a unique perspective regarding those issues so it becomes necessary to try and provide a safe space where youth can actually discuss and explain their ideas within the community.
• Debaters become better critical thinkers and communicators.
• Debaters improve their social interactions.
• Debaters improve their personal expression.
• Debaters are more often seen as leaders.
• Debaters tend to become citizens in the real sense of the word -- informed, active, participating, a force to be harnessed for the betterment of all.
This is the REVOLUTIONARY YOUTH that we need.
Autostrada Biennale thanks the Gymnasium "Gjon Buzuku" for the cooperation and support during this edition.