Currently inhabited by the Kadriaj family, where once the Mijic family resided, the Sarai is located on the right bank of the river. The house is located in the Historic Center of Prizen, on the corner in-between two streets within the neighborhood of Old Sarai, by the Bujar Godeni side road. The building is also close to the house of Shehzade, as well as other representative houses which to this day are inhabited by the families Bilurdagu and Grazhda. According to oral history, the house was built by a Prizenian Beylerbey for administrative and residential purposes. The house belongs to the traditional civic architecture of the 18th and 19th centuries.
Architecturally speaking, the house belongs to the typology of locked-carrel houses, with a bay window above the hayat, the upper part of the entrance. It is worth mentioning the ornamental beam of the time, located in the upper part of the hayat.
The house has rectangular and symmetrical floor plans. The ground floor consists of the hayat which enables access to the home, the two main living rooms, another room, the kitchen and the sanitary spaces which were built later during the latest restoration in 2010-2012. The existing concrete staircase is not authentic, but is an exact replica made with concrete. Inside we find the preserved interior elements such as the ceilings, small cupboards, shelves and stoves, and the ornamental beam above the hayat. The house has its own yard, which is enclosed on both sides with thick stone walls covered in stucco. Worth mentioning are the window openings on the wall facing the Bujar Godeni Street. The current owner restored the house in 2011-2012, while preserving its authentic image. The house is currently uninhabited.