Building Bridges Through Art And Culture

On July 17th 2023, the cooperation agreement was signed between Autostrada Biennale, the Municipality of Pristina and the American Embassy in Kosovo. In this ceremony held in Prishtina present were, Leutrim Fishekqiu and Vatra Abrashi, Co-founders and Directors of Autostrada Biennale, Mr. Rama, Mayor of Pristina and Mr. Jeffrey Hovenier, US Ambassador of Kosovo, who signed the cooperation agreement for the project "Building bridges through Art and Culture: “Creative Exchange Program USA - Kosovo”. The basic goals of this cooperation agreement are to promote and support the creative and cultural sector in Kosovo, to enable the exchange of knowledge and skills between local artists and American experts, and to increase intercultural understanding through cultural diplomacy initiatives. The fourth edition of Autostrada Biennale started on 7th of July and will continue with exhibitions and public programs until 9th of September in Prizren, Pristina and Mitrovica.

Photos by: Tuğhan Anıt

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