For the last twelve years, I have been visiting the Penghu archipelago, collecting the soundscapes of the islands. Being strongly attracted to the Sea, I have been witness to dramatic changes in the underwater environment. In 2008, a cold stream lowered the temperature of the sea, killing a huge part of the coral reefs. Since 2013, every two years with Wan-Shuen Tsai (with whom I founded Atelier Hui-Kan), we have developed local projects about the environment and education, creating artworks and publishing them as vinyl records and showing them during exhibitions. I regularly settle my own sound studio, devoted to field recordings and electroacoustic compositions. In Spring 2017, I started a sound project about the underwater environment. I collaborated with local NGOs and biologists from Penghu and Academia Sinica. I initiated a series of recording sessions that constituted the basis for a sound archive, allowing acoustic monitoring of coral reefs and providing sound materials for education and conservation purpose.
For Autostrada Biennale, a sound installation based on my field recordings, allowed the visitors to immerse into the sounds of a coral reef. It was accompanied with a series of short texts describing this specific habitat and weaving concepts coming from anthropology and ecology.