Mayor Of Prizren Mr. Totaj Visiting The Exhibition Of The 4. Autostrada Biennale

The fourth edition of the Autostrada Biennale has brought the theme "All Images Will Disappear One Day", which according to the curators Joanna Warsza and Övül Durmuşoğlu is an exhibition about what makes us and what unmakes us, what entangles and disentangles us from ourselves, about freedoms beyond choices, imaginaries that flow despite and across borders.

On Wednesday, Mr. Totaj visited several works of contemporary art exhibitions in public spaces, municipal facilities and at the Autostrada Biennale headquarters. The works of contemporary art exhibited in the framework of the fourth edition of the Autostrada Biennale have also left an impression on the mayor of the Municipality of Prizren, Shaqir Totaj. He even intends to keep one of them permanently in the city center, if an agreement is reached with the author.

His first stop was the work "In The Depth Of The Night The Sky Sees The Sun" by the author Neda Saeedi, which imagines an eye of the city that looks from the past to the future - inside the circular pedestal of the destroyed partisan monument - which it symbolizes the successive narrative of migration and settlement. The work of the artist of Iranian origin, with German citizenship, has completely decorated the square. This work was produced exclusively for this country, we are considering the possibility of how to keep this work here forever, said Totaj.

While Leutrim Fishekqiu, co-founder and director of Autostrada Biennale, has affirmed that this organization is one of the main contemporary art events in the region that promotes the artists of this region, but at the same time attracts the public from neighboring countries. That's why it's called 'Autostrada Biennale' or Biennale in motion, so it doesn't have the name of the city, and this is the essence of the whole exhibition, which shows a unity that unites people. According to him, the Municipality of Prizren is an important partner, since in addition to financial support, it also offers public spaces and various facilities that for two months are transformed into galleries that await visitors.

Totaj has also visited the works of artists Bourcha Khalili, Bajram Mehmeti, Nil Yatler, Oscar Lara and Kostas Bassanos, and the "Biennale" staff has familiarized them with their content. For him, cultural organizations are the value of Prizren.

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