“Food Dairy” With Jeton Jagxhiu

“Food Diary” was the name of the talk held at the Autostrada Hangar, by Jeton Jagxhiu. He is renowned for his dedication to researching the food culture and unique identity of Prizren, the city he calls home.

During the talk, Jeton Jagxhiu passionately delved into the rich food culture of Prizren, sharing insights from his recent works in this field. He also highlighted opportunities to promote Prizren’s diverse culinary heritage both locally and beyond its borders.

Born in 1972 in Prizren, Kosovo, Jeton Jagxhiu pursued his studies in graphics in Zagreb, Croatia, and later returned to Kosovo, where he founded his own company, Punëtori Grafike. Over the years, he has become a highly skilled graphic designer, driven by a deep desire to explore and showcase the cultural essence of his hometown. In recent times, his focus has been on researching Prizren’s unique food culture and its significant contribution to the local cultural identity. Through his work, Jeton is dedicated to preserving and celebrating the rich history and heritage of his beloved community.

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