Recyclart was established in 1997 to foster local development in a marginalised neighbourhood in Brussels, Belgium. It is a hybrid place at the crossroads of art, employment and social cohesion. Recyclart offers a stage to underrepresented art forms in a multidisciplinary arts centre. Through job creation, it promotes the professional integration of Brussels residents in metal, wood, and upcycling workshops, creating furniture on demand, as well as in a restaurant (veggie/vegan/halal). Recyclart works on improving living together in an urban context through a participative socio-artistic programme.
16th September, 2024
Hangar II
13:00 Production Workshop
Joint workshop with Alban Muja, Autostrada Biennale and Recyclart production teams
Leutrim Fishekqiu I Co-founding Director of Autostrada Biennale
Alban Muja I Artist
Marion Descamps I Recyclart Fabrik
14:30 Panel Discussion: Community Collaboration in Artistic Production
Leutrim Fishekqiu I Co-founding Director of Autostrada Biennale
Giorgio Mega I Studio Rizoma
Genny Petrotta I Artist
Nora Unger I Recyclart
16th September, 2024
Hangar I
11:00 I Joint workshop of chefs from
Autostrada Biennale and Recyclart
Cansu Yılmaz I Autostrada Biennale
Diona Nojani I Autostrada Biennale
Imane El Bakali I Recyclart
Bérivan Güzel I Recyclart