Fondazione Studio Rizoma is an international hub advancing an independent cultural and social program while serving the wider development of its surrounding ecosystem, with a focus on the city of Palermo.
16th September, 2024
Hangar II
14:00 Film Screening
“Mamma Perdonami / Mëma Më Fal” by Genny Petrotta
Co-produced by Studio Rizoma and Autostrada Biennale
About the film:
On 31 December 1944, a group of revolutionaries led by Giacomo Petrotta proclaimed the Repubblica Popolare Contadina of Piana Degli Albanesi. They rebelled against the mismanagement of agricultural crops by an alliance of large landowners and political elites that left the population starving. Almost 80 years later, the visual artist Genny Petrotta, grandniece of the rebel leader, together with a group of young people from her hometown, revisits the struggle of the peasant republic that lasted fifty days until it was crushed by the police. "Mamma Perdonami / Mëma më fal" is a poetic reappropriation of a political legacy that was silenced for a long time after traumatic events.
14:30 Panel Discussion: Community Collaboration in Artistic Production
Leutrim Fishekqiu I Co-founding Director of Autostrada Biennale
Giorgio Mega I Studio Rizoma
Genny Petrotta I Artist
Nora Unger I Recyclart